Friday, March 7, 2008

War of the Words - II

Following this post of mine I had a conversation with some of my friends about what are those written communication errors that really look bad. In an effort to look smart and generally bright, we tend to be extra careful before we hit that 'Send' button on our email applications, because once sent, it cannot be retrieved. However with our hectic work schedules, we sometimes tend to overlook these common errors. I am listing these down here for my own reference, so that I do not make the same mistakes when I send out my emails:

1) Loose for lose
Wrong: I tend to loose my notes
Right: I tend to lose my notes

2) It’s for its
Wrong: Send me the details of the installation along with it's product key
Right: Send me the details of the installation along with its product key

3) They’re for their or there
Wrong: Their not happy about the repeated requests we are making
Right: They're not happy about the repeated requests we are making

4) Effect for affect
Wrong: The outage shouldn't effect the following applications
Right: The outage shouldn't affect the following applications

5) Then for than
Wrong: We had more problems then we anticipated.
Right: We had more problems than we anticipated.

Ya, and this last one which I saw and was reminded of by Mr. Truitt's character in the movie 'The Opposite of Sex' last night
Wrong: I could care less about what they think
Right: I couldn't care less about what they think

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