Thursday, January 10, 2008

Ah! New York's finally getting onboard with Public Restrooms!

This is a blog post in which I had written about one of my NYC pet peeves - no public restrooms.

And today I read this. New York's finally getting on board with paid public potties. Yay!

So New York has finally come of age - with people getting some more choices of where to pee, when the holding gets tough.

But with all the features mentioned in the article above, I just wonder whether the administration could have come up with something simpler and easier, earlier on and saved the millions of city dwellers the trouble of having to hunt (and walk funny while hunting).

Anyways, better late than never.

I just hope that unlike Mumbai (and I am sure many other cities in the world), it does not turn into another haven and hunting-ground for hookers. You know 15 minutes is a lot of time! And with a warning bell that goes off at 12 minutes, you even have sufficient 3 minutes to clean up yourself. And you can walk out without bothering about cleaning the restroom after yourself. Leave the cleaning of the restroom to itself when the doors close.


Pratap said...

THAT has been my ONLY bitch about my fave city in the world (after Mumbai of course!)
I remember being in deep trouble and having to resort to desperate measures - that too in Jackson Hts!

I thought the absence of facilities was mainly due to street people.
Incidentally, I don't remember public facilities in Chicago, SFO, etc. compared to the profusion of those in Mumbai.
I guess in Mumbai we have facilities to dissuade people from unzipping at any street corner!

Joe said...

Of course in Mumbai we have more of the public restrooms, because many lacs of people living in the slums do not even have the basic sanitation facilities, and there needs to be these public restrooms so that the poor can use the same.

But as you said, regardless of whether or not most people have basic sanitation facilities at home, most administrations should think abt providing public restroom facilities for people to pee in a jiffy.