Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Tell me why...

Why is it so that only the few who were born with a silver spoon in their mouth get all the opportunities in their lives? Why does money beget money in this world? It's all about money, honey. And I need to understand that this is the way the world works. So, in order to make it easier for my offsprings, I need to spring off the boardwalk where I am resting my ass currently and struggle harder to achieve more...that's all. There is no use cribbing about the unfairness of the world, take it with a pinch of salt and dive right in....

1 comment:

Chivalrous said...

Money earned hard is more valuable than the one received as silver spoon. Opportunities we too get but its unto us as to how we make use of it. Rich lads tend to spend lavishly on account of their forefathers struggle.

It often happens that when one is prominent socially, people say "wow, he is such a great personality", hardly do we see what that person must have undergone to reach that level.